2 - Role and Benefits of Mycorrhizae for Bonsai

Mycorrhizae play a vital role in the development and health of bonsai. Their presence in the bonsai substrate offers several significant advantages:

Improvement of Nutrient and Water Absorption

Mycorrhizae greatly extend the reach of bonsai roots in the substrate, allowing for more efficient absorption of nutrients and water. This is particularly crucial in the confined space of a bonsai pot, where resources are limited.

  • Nutrients: Mycorrhizal fungi facilitate the absorption of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and micronutrients, which are often scarce in bonsai substrates.
  • Water: The extension of fungal hyphae into the substrate increases the tree's ability to absorb water, vital for the survival of the bonsai, especially during periods of drought or heat.
Increase in Resistance to Diseases and Stress

Mycorrhizae enhance bonsai's resistance to environmental stressors and pathogens.

  • Protection Against Pathogens: Mycorrhizal fungi can act as a shield against certain root pathogens, thus reducing the risk of diseases.
  • Stress Tolerance: Mycorrhized trees show greater resilience to stressful conditions such as temperature variations, drought, and soil salinity.
Improvement of Soil Structure and Root Health

Mycorrhizae contribute to a better soil structure and optimal root health, both essential factors in bonsai cultivation.

  • Soil Structure: The hyphae of the fungi help bind the particles of the substrate, thus improving its structure and porosity. This promotes good drainage and adequate aeration of the roots.
  • Root Health: By establishing a symbiotic relationship with the roots, mycorrhizae help maintain strong and healthy roots, essential for the growth and vigor of the bonsai.

The role of mycorrhizae in bonsai cultivation is not limited to mere growth support; they are a fundamental element for the overall health of the tree. The mycorrhizal symbiosis offers benefits that go well beyond simple nutrition, including protection against diseases and stress, as well as an improvement of the soil structure. For the bonsai cultivator, understanding and encouraging this symbiotic relationship is essential for ensuring the prosperity and longevity of these miniature trees.