Sekijoju Style: The Root-Over-Rock Bonsai

Definition and Origins

The Sekijoju style, also known as the "root-over-rock style," is a form of bonsai where the tree's roots wrap around and extend over a rock before reaching the soil of the pot. This style evokes trees growing on rocks or cliffs, with their roots adapting to the terrain in search of soil for nourishment.

Distinctive Characteristics
  1. Interlaced Roots on Rock: In the Sekijoju style, the tree's roots intricately intertwine around a rock, forming an impressive visual tableau.
  2. Interaction Between Roots and Rock: There is a fascinating interaction between the tree's roots and the rock, with the roots adapting to the contours and crevices of the rock.
  3. Balanced Trunk and Foliage: Above the roots, the trunk rises, often straight or slightly inclined, with balanced foliage that complements the whole.
  4. Natural and Artistic Appearance: The Sekijoju style offers a balance between art and nature, capturing the adaptability of trees in challenging conditions.
  5. Pot and Presentation: The pot for a Sekijoju bonsai is often simple and understated, allowing the roots and rock to stand out as focal points of the composition.
Species Selection

Species suitable for the Sekijoju style are those whose roots can adapt to growing on a rock, such as junipers, certain pines, and various hardwoods.

Maintenance and Cultivation Techniques
  • Root Hydration: The exposed roots require special attention to ensure they receive enough moisture, especially those extending far from the tree's base.
  • Pruning and Pinching: These techniques are used to maintain the shape of the trunk and foliage in harmony with the sinuous roots.
  • Root Protection: The roots may need additional protection, particularly in extreme climates, to prevent drying out or freezing.
  • Repotting and Substrate: A well-draining substrate is essential, as are regular repottings to ensure the overall health of the tree.

The Sekijoju style is a poetic representation of perseverance and adaptability in the world of bonsai. It shows how life finds a way even in the most inhospitable environments, offering a captivating scene of survival and natural beauty.