4 - Establishing and Maintaining Mycorrhizae in Bonsais

For bonsai cultivators, establishing and maintaining a healthy mycorrhizal relationship is essential for the long-term health of the tree. Here's how to promote this beneficial symbiosis:

Favorable Conditions for Mycorrhizae Formation
  • Substrate Selection: Use a substrate that promotes mycorrhizal growth. An aerated, well-drained, and slightly acidic mix is ideal. Substrates like akadama, pumice, or a mix containing pine bark are often recommended.
  • Water Balance: Proper watering is crucial. Mycorrhizae require a moist but not saturated environment. Excess water can suffocate the roots and mycorrhizae, while a lack of water can dry them out.
Cultivation Techniques to Encourage Mycorrhizae
  • Moderate Fertilization: Too much fertilizer, especially those high in phosphorus, can decrease mycorrhizal formation. Use slow-release organic fertilizers to maintain a nutritional balance.
  • Soil pH Management: Mycorrhizae thrive best in a slightly acidic to neutral pH. Adjust the pH of the substrate if necessary.
Role of Substrate and Watering
  • Quality of Substrate: A quality substrate is essential. It must be porous to allow good aeration and effective drainage while retaining enough moisture.
  • Watering Technique: Water so that the entire root ball is reached, encouraging a uniform distribution of mycorrhizae. Avoid sprinkler watering, which can disrupt the soil surface and mycorrhizal structures.
Integrating Mycorrhizae during Repotting
  • Careful Repotting: When repotting, be careful not to excessively damage the existing roots and mycorrhizal structures. Keep part of the old substrate that contains mycorrhizae to reintroduce into the new substrate.
Monitoring and Adjustment
  • Observation of Roots and Soil: Periodically check the condition of the roots and soil for signs of healthy mycorrhizal symbiosis, such as a network of white filaments or vigorous growth of the tree.
  • Cultural Adjustments: Be ready to adjust your cultivation practices in response to the health status of your bonsai and the presence of mycorrhizae.

In conclusion, establishing and maintaining mycorrhizae in bonsais requires special attention to several aspects of cultivation, including substrate choice, fertilization, watering, and repotting techniques. By taking care of these elements, bonsai cultivators can encourage a flourishing symbiotic relationship that will greatly benefit their trees.